Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Get Started, Then Keep Going to Achieve Your Dreams!

I entered college immediately after graduating from high school, but I left after just one year, because I knew within just a few months that I had no desire to be a nurse. Many of my great friends graduated and now are fabulous nurses, and I'm so glad someone like you will care for me in a hospital, rather than someone like me.

After that I attended college in spurts and starts, and finally received my Bachelor of Science in Management degree in what my husband and I joyfully call "my 20-year college plan". From that experience, my best advice to anyone currently attending college is ... never drop out. Take at least one class each semester, moving steadily albeit slowly toward your goal. It's not how fast you get there ... it's just being determined to get there.

The same is true about building a successful business, whether it's a franchise, a start-up, or a network marketing business. If it's your dream to be your own boss and create your own income, what are you waiting for? Author Karen Lamb said, "A year from now you will wish you would have started today."

NOT ENOUGH TIME: We all make sacrifices to create our future, whether it's a college education or building a business, and time is one of those required sacrifices. So, what will you sacrifice that's currently filling your day to allow the time you need to create your future? There's no such thing as not enough time. The real question is ... how much do you value a better future?

NOT ENOUGH MONEY: Absolutely true, and that's why we're creating a better future. So, find a business you can start with what you have. Then the real question is ... are you willing to create your first success with a business that requires very little money?

All the objections come down to this one question - WHAT IF I CAN'T DO IT? Well, are you willing to be teachable? Will you listen and take proven action steps to achieve your dreams? Most people who fail either didn't have a successful mentor, or they failed to follow the proven success plan their mentors demonstrated. They may have thought, I can't do that, but I can try this ... or I know a better way to do it. That kind of thinking doesn't come from a teachable person, and it leads to failure rather than proven success. The only way to fail with a successful mentor is giving up or not following their proven success model. So, get started and then don't give up until you achieve your goal.

If you can envision the future you want, get started today. Connect with someone you trust and who you'll follow to achieve your dreams. I'm looking for people just like you to join my team, so find someone like me!

* * * * * * * * *
 Judy Best is a successful entrepreneur and work at home business coach, living the dream in Little Rock, Arkansas, with her husband of 35+ years and her kids and grandkids. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Not Enough Paycheck for the Good Life?

I have been so fortunate over the years to have so many wonderful jobs. I'm a quick learner, easily adapting to new environments and procedures, and one of my strengths is finding and delivering a solution to problems. I dropped out of college, just because I couldn't see a clear career based on my current studies, so I started in low paying administrative positions like receptionist and secretary. My bosses quickly saw my ability to solve problems, promoting me to office manager, bookkeeper and business manager. These jobs led to positions I loved in manufacturing and broadcasting as business manager and assistant comptroller.

After the birth of our second child, our daughter, we had a Parent-As-Educator visit our home to assess her development and give us parenting ideas. One of the things we were told is children whose parents have not graduated college are less likely to graduate college themselves, as compared to kids whose parents are college graduates. I will always do anything possible to help my kids succeed in life, so I returned to college to complete my degree. The quickest path to graduation was a degree in Management, with an emphasis in Human Resources.

About the time I graduated, we moved to Little Rock, where I decided to be a stay-at-home mom for a while, but my husband, Roger, pressured me to find work when he realized the UPS man was avoiding our house, because I wanted to talk a while every time he dropped something off. Since I had just graduated with a degree specializing in HR, I felt like I should try that. Roger warned me that I wouldn't like that after all my years as a top level manager, but I moved ahead working in HR in a couple great companies in Little Rock. I did not love it. It was a lot of menial work on a daily basis, with very little input to upper management - which I was really accustomed to, and with only occasional higher level responsibilities.

In 2005, Roger said, it's time for you to be your own boss, so you can travel with me when I leave on business, so he bought me a travel agency franchise. I quickly learned the travel business, and I promoted my agency everywhere I went, and I love what I do still today. But ... my earnings are still based on the number of hours I can personally work the business, or I need to hire staff.

As much as I love what I do, I need a residual income that keeps filling my bank account based on my efforts as well as others working with me. I need that to truly free my time ... so I can travel when I want  ... so I can play with my grandkids when I want ... so I can have a play day with my daughter, my mother, or my girlfriends when I want. And, an extra income will ease life's pressures, allowing us to live debt-free, be generous givers - not just tithers, but givers to great charities that we can only marginally support now, and providing for our needs as we near our retirement years. Seriously, I doubt we ever retire, but I simply want to choose when and where I work as I get older.

So, I'm still working the travel business I love, and I'll always have my hand in that, because I love travel. But, I'm also growing my network marketing business, because those earnings are not dependent on the number of hours I work daily. Once I've built the business, I'll still have to help others achieve their dreams, but I'll be able to work when and where I want.

I'm looking for people who can relate with my story in some way to be those dreamers working along side me in my business. If that's you, let's talk. There's lots of great network marketing companies out there, and there's one that's right for everyone who's interested. I'm looking for someone who'd love to work with me, because we're going to succeed! Dreamers, believers, visionaries, let's talk.

And, for those of you wondering, my son has graduated college, and my daughter isn't far behind. Love my kids!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

What's your Motivation?

As a businessperson, my goal is to make a profit, and I'd like those profits to increase over time, so my business will grow. My Christian values are all about relationships. I am called to love people, all kinds of people. I even strive to love those who don't love me ... sometimes I do okay with that, but other times ... not so much. Here's the question: Are my Christian beliefs at odds with my business goals? I constantly check my heart by asking the question, what's my motivation?

Currently I have two businesses, my vacation planning business and a network marketing business. As I started my vacation planning business ten years ago, I was encouraged to share what I do with everyone I meet. I quickly found that folks loved receiving my card, but quickly moved on to the next person, unless we engaged in a meaningful conversation before exchanging cards. So, I've learned to be a good listener, smiling, laughing, and sharing before swapping cards, and those friendly folks who are well on their way to becoming my friend are quick to call when they need my services. And, I do the same.

While I'm working to earn an income to pay my bills and enjoy life, both my businesses are really about my relationships with others. When I'm helping others achieve their goals and dreams, whether it's a fabulous luxury vacation or an extra revenue stream, my goals and dreams are met as well.

My goal is to grow financially successful businesses, and my motivation demonstrates my values. If I'm focused primarily on the dollars, I feel driven and obsessed, and I lose my peace. When I'm focused on my new friend's dreams, I'm having fun building the bridge to their dreams - in both businesses, and I wake up excited and joyful, ready to hit the ground running every morning.

I've found that as I follow Jesus in serving others, all my needs are met, and my dreams come true. For me, it requires daily checking my motivation to make sure my actions align with my heart. If you've lost your joy and/or your peace, check your motivation. Blessings!

"But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,
and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,
even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:26 - 28

* * * * * * * * * * *

Judy Best is a successful entrepreneur and work at home business coach, living the dream in Little Rock, Arkansas, with her husband of 35+ years and her kids and grandkids. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Stitch Fix Transitions My Closet to the Fall - August, 2015

I love the fall. I've loved it ever since I was a little girl. School starts again, seeing all my friends that I missed over the summer, cooler temps, new "back to school" clothes, football games, and bonfires. Fall is the season of new beginnings for me even now as an adult. And, I love football season ... Go, Cowboys! 

My closet is filled with beautiful summer clothes from local boutiques as well as Stitch Fix, so I knew my closet desperately needed some items to help me transition my style from summer to fall, even though it's still really hot here in Arkansas. I challenged my stylist, Susie, to send short sleeved to 3/4 sleeved tops, a lightweight cardigan, and high waisted blue jeans to begin my closet's transition to fall clothes. I was hoping a lightweight cardigan would allow me to continue to wear some of my beautiful sleeveless tops into the fall and winter. As always, Susie sent five wonderful items to surprise me in my Stitch Fix box I just received, along with this nice note. (Don't know about Stitch Fix yet? How can that be!?! Read all about it at the end of this review, then sign up using this link as a referral from me.) Are you ready to see what I received?

Market & Spruce Elaine Ikat Print Pocket-Front Knit Shirt: My first reaction was YUK! This is not a color I would ever pick up in a store, and I never wear patterns. Stitch Fix simply asks us to try on every piece they send us, so I reached out for this first, thinking let's get this over with. I immediately loved the soft feel of the material, and, as I slipped it over my head, I knew the fit was great. I'd love to accessorize this with a navy scarf in the fall, plus I love how this top feels, so I know I'll reach for it over and over again. A great new fall transition piece for my closet.

Kut from the Kloth Aberdine Straight Leg Jean: I'm always amazed that Stitch Fix can send me jeans over and over again that fit me perfectly in the waist, hips, thighs AND length. These are crazy comfortable. Sometimes they send me jeans with a low- or mid-rise waist which simply don't work for me, but all their jeans fit perfectly. Love these jeans, so they'll be a staple for my fall wardrobe. Wearing them today!

Mak Dahla Lightweight Cardigan: I knew at first touch that I was going to love this lightweight cardigan, with it's soft feel and beautiful navy color. Whoops, spoke to soon this time. Something is wrong with the fit. You can't tell from the picture, but the shoulders are really snug, and the sleeves are so snug on my arms, I wasn't sure if I would even be able to get this back off after trying it on. There's either a problem with the construction of this piece or the sizing of this cardigan. Not sure which, so I've asked if I can trade for a larger size to see. Love the feel, love the look ... but not a winner at this point anyway.

Market & Spruce Berg Pintuck Detail Top: This top is a bright green, even though the photo looks more like a turquoise. (If you can explain why it does that, I can do a better job with my photos next time!) You can wear the sleeves unrolled for a pretty 3/4 length sleeve or rolled for a little shorter, which I personally preferred. Again, this is not a color I would have chosen normally, but I'm digging how it looks on me. That's one of the things I really love about Stitch Fix. I already know I have trouble finding things I like when I go shopping, plus I never know how to put them together, unless I see them accessorized on a mannequin or a really helpful salesperson has mercy on me. Stitch Fix solves all these issues for me.

Collective Concepts Nathaniel V-Neck Blouse: I was surprised that I kind of liked this pattern when I saw it in the box, but it's probably because it's a couple of colors I'm really comfortable with a taupe and navy. When I tried it on, it was just too boxy and loose, and it was an immediate no from me and my hubby, who was graciously snapping photos. That said, I know some of you really stylish gals know exactly how to make this top look positively gorgeous with a partial tuck, a belt, a pencil skirt, Emer slacks and more, but ... I just don't get it, and, as a vacation planner, I dress really casually day in and day out. So, another gal in our Facebook Stitch Fix Discussion Group quickly offered to buy it, so it's flying off to Massachusetts to someone who will love it as much as I hate it.

And, that's another thing I love about Stitch Fix. They have something that fits the style preferences whether you're a new Mom, a new employee, a rocker, or a vacation planner. Lots of gals are receiving amazing dresses and maxis, but that's just not my style, and Susie knows it. Some gals get jewelry and handbags. I just want cute tops and great jeans.

Think you might like to try out Stitch Fix? Here's how it works ...

1. Fill out Stitch Fix’s Style Profile with your personal style preferences and sizes. It only takes about 10 minutes - and it’s fun to do! You tell them what you like, what you don't like, and how much you're willing to pay for each item of clothing.

 2. They send you a package of five items to try on in the comfort of your own home. Each item comes with a custom style card that provides two different outfit ideas and styling inspiration. These cards help me create two completely different looks.

 3. You only pay for what you want to keep and send back what you don’t. Your $20 styling fee is applied as a credit to anything you buy. 
And, you can cancel at any time. If you're going to try it, please sign up at my referral link here, because I'll receive a credit toward my next purchase when your Stitch Fix box is shipped to you. I love referrals. Stitch Fix has made my closet a happier place to visit in every season!  

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Casa Vista Magnifica ... your Home Away From Home in Costa Rica

We've been back from our vacation to Potrera, Costa Rica for exactly one week, so it's time to tell
you my favorite things about our vacation there:
  • Casa Vista Magnifica is the beautiful 5 bedroom, 5 bath villa where the ten of us spent our week. The only rooms in the villa with four walls are the bedrooms, and many of us enjoyed the open air showers. We started our days around the infinity pool, which overlooked the beach and ocean below, as well as spending many afternoons there and wrapping up every evening there.

  • Rosita is the villa's maid and cook, and Bizmarck is handyman and her sous chef. They worked together as a team to produce the most amazing breakfasts and dinner every day. We discussed visiting some local restaurants while there until we experienced their first breakfast, after which we quickly decided we'd be dining at home for every breakfast and dinner with traditional Costa Rica meals. Not only fabulous cooks, but delightful people to have around during our vacation.
  • The coffee ... the coffee! Roger likes his coffee bold and strong, while I like a weaker and often flavored coffee. We both loved this coffee, as did our entire group, and Rosita and Bizmarck kept the coffee pot refilling for us all morning, every morning. We brought some home, and we'll be scouring the internet to find 1820 coffee we can order online!
  • The villa is managed by the Concierges at the Tropical Homes of Costa Rica, and Roger and I love concierges, because we've experienced how they can smooth life for us. When I asked for an acoustic guitar to be available for our use at the villa during the week, Roxanna did not disappoint, and we all enjoyed the guitar stylings of our friend, Mark, as well as varied music offered by DJ Doctor A. We spent many afternoons and evenings dancing, singing, and relaxing with tunes.
We had some wonderful outings, but the villa, the food, and the service were the main reasons to visit this villa, so I'll tell you about our outings in a separate post.

If you're local to Little Rock, Arkansas, like us, a week at this villa will be offered at auction at the Once Upon A Time fundraiser for United Cerebral Palsy on September 17th at the Little Rock Marriott. We'd love to see you there!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

How to Avoid or Pay Off Student Loans

The cost of education is continually rising to the point where it’s unaffordable to many Americans unless they assume student load debt. If you’re just starting college, you can avoid student loan debt almost entirely by attending one of your local junior colleges initially, then transferring to a local public university to complete your bachelor degree. If you’re continuing on for a master’s or doctoral degree, you’ll likely have to incur some student loan.

I’m a strong believer in continuing education, but the burden of a huge student loan debt as soon as you graduate takes the shine off that new degree. So, if you’re just starting your college education, consider creating a revenue stream to pay for your education now, rather than getting yourself into debt with student loans. If you already have student loans, and now just need a way to pay them off as soon as possible, you also need a revenue stream to pay them off. Our normal daily jobs is how we support our daily lives, and there’s usually very little extra to apply toward these student debts. So here’s my suggestion …

Do you have four friends who are go getters like you? Who can imagine being out of debt and living a better lifestyle, and who are willing to do a little work to make that happen? If so, we need to talk.

Save 10 is a new customer loyalty program, just launched on June 8th, and it’s just now spreading across the US. Anyone who joins now will be on the exciting ground floor of this exciting new company. If you will take five hours per week and follow my business model, you can earn enough to start paying off your student debt and perhaps even change your lifestyle for the better.

If you are intrigued and can invest just 5 hours per week for the short run to improve the quality of your life in the long run, I’d love to talk to you. If you are attending college and would like to avoid student loans entirely, or if you already have student loans you’d like to pay off, Save 10 could change your life.

If you are part of a campus sorority or fraternity, this business is a perfect way to supplement your college income, plus raise funds for your Greek house.

If you want to know more, you can reach me at judy@bestcruisers.com or by calling 501-255-2866. Our 15 minute chat could change your life for the better.  Here's a video you can watch to learn more, and here's a list of the merchants already offering a 10% or better discount through Save10.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Why I love Stitch Fix ...

I have no fashion sense, and I think that played into the reasons why I used to hate to shop. I went to stores to buy exactly what I was looking for ... a top, a dress, shoes, a pair of jeans ... and I paid for them and left without browsing. My girlfriends did not understand me, and my husband loved this about me. If I had to buy an entire outfit, I either took my girlfriends with me, asked for assistance from a store clerk, or I bought an entire outfit off a store mannequin. I was best dressed in my 20s when my little brother was working at a local department store, and he put together all my outfits including all the cool accessories.

When I heard about Stitch Fix, I knew I was going to love it. Here's how it works ...

1. Fill out Stitch Fix’s Style Profile with your personal style preferences and sizes. It only takes about 10 minutes-and it’s fun! You tell them what you like, what you don't like, and how much you're willing to pay for each item of clothing.
2. They send you a package of five items to try on in the comfort of your own home. Each item comes with a custom style card that provides two different outfit ideas and inspiration. These cards help me create two completely different looks.
3. You only pay for what you want to keep and send back what you don’t. Your $20 styling fee is applied as credit to anything you buy.

It’s your personal style, shipped to you, without the usual hassles of shopping. See why I loved the idea! I've been receiving Stitch Fix boxes for six or seven months, so I decided it was time to tell you about them.

I leave a specific message for my stylist, Susie, of what I'd like to receive each month. If I have a special event coming up, I tell her about it. This month, I'm headed to Costa Rica on vacation, so I asked her for some summer tops and a great pair of blue jeans. I asked her specifically for a pretty coral top. Here's what I received:

 Papermoon Mesli Crochet Detail Blouse: Susie delivered on my request for a beautiful coral top. I love this. It has a cute button detail on the back that makes it a little more form fitting back there. This top is $48.

Papermoon Jaylin Lace Overlay Blouse: I loved the color and style of this top, but this petite top was a little too short for my tastes. I emailed Stitch Fix to ask if they had this as a regular in my save, but sadly they didn't, so it had to go back. Maybe I'll see this again in a future Stitch Fix box in that size. This top is $48. Here's hoping!
Collective Concepts Leeds Crochet Detail Top: I hated everything about this top, and it was the most expensive at $64, so I knew it was going back. It reminded me of something my grandma wore as pajamas. Sorry, it had to go back to Stitch Fix!

Stitch Fix includes a prepaid shipping bag in the box, so you just put the items in that bag, seal it, and stick in your mailbox. This is really hassle free trying on and returning clothes.
 Fun2Fun Sonoma Striped Sleeveless Top and Level 99 Glenda Straight Leg Jeans: I would never have picked up this top to try on in a store. I try everything on that Stitch Fix sends, because sometimes I'm surprised by how good something looks on me, how comfortable it is, or how much I love the compliments my husband gives on something I would never have looked twice at. I love this top! Comfy, and who knew orange and blue stripes would look so good. This top is $38.

I'm always so surprised by how well Stitch Fix jeans fit me. Every pair of jeans fits perfectly, and usually the length is perfect as well. This pair was no exception. The only problem is ... the waistline hit about two inches below my bell button, giving me an uncomfortable muffin top feeling. I like a little higher waist, so sadly this had to go back to Stitch Fit. These jeans cost $98.
 Susie, always sends me a fun note, like the one in this picture, plus you can see the style card for the cute blue and orange striped top. Susie does a great job picking five pieces for me every month, and she usually tries to stretch me from my comfort zone. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it's always fun.

If I keep all five items, Stitch Fix offers me a 25% discount on the total price. I'm still not that big a shopper, so I usually keep one or two items, because I only want to keep items that I absolutely love.

Are you interested in trying out Stitch Fix? I receive a $25 credit toward my next Stitch Fix purchase, when you sign up for a box using my referral code.

My girlfriends laugh at me now ... because I now love shopping. Stitch Fix has stretched my horizons, where I grab clothes and try them on. But, I still love receiving these boxes at home, where I can try on their clothes, adding my shoes and accessories, to see if I really like them. Have you tried Stitch Fix?

Friday, July 17, 2015

Ten Years Ago, I started my own travel business ...

Wow, I can't believe ten years have already passed since we bought our Cruise Planners franchise, and I started my dream vocation as a vacation planner. I've never looked back, because I love my job. (I hope you all feel the same about what you do, but if you don't, let's talk!)

After a few years with Cruise Planners, I felt I could grow my travel business and earn more money with a different host agency, so I joined America's Vacation Center, which then quickly changed it's name to Avoya Travel as an independent vacation planner, and I've been with them ever since. And, now I'm celebrating my 10th year in the travel business.

I started out mainly planning cruise vacations, eventually adding some high-end resort vacations, and now I book luxury trips of all kinds, and it's so much fun! I didn't replace my fulltime income immediately, so it helped to have a husband whose own business could support my travel business until I became profitable.

I've met new folks who ask me to plan their vacations, while my valued guests return regularly for me to plan their vacations, so my business continues to grow, and some days I could accomplish so much more with an assistant. And, the number of hours in my day determines how much I can accomplish.

When my husband, Roger, recently shared the new business he and some friends were launching this year, I was so excited, because I saw a way to increase my earnings without increasing the number of hours I worked. As I grow that business, I can get back to the fun of planning (and taking) vacations, and I can introduce folks to this same business which offers a revenue stream to get out of debt, buy a house, pay for your children's private school or college, pay off student loans, fund a ministry or mission, and more.

If you know me, you know I don't like selling things (I plan vacation, I don't sell them), I don't like to pressure folks to do anything, and I have a life I enjoy, so I want to spend the bulk of my time with the people I love. I'm happily building this new business alongside my travel business, and I'm so glad it works with my comfort zone.

If you'd like to know more, let me know, because ... it can seriously be the blessing you need and maybe an answer to your prayers. I can tell you the whole story in less than 15 minutes, and, like I said, no pressure at all. I hope to hear from you.