Thursday, September 17, 2015

What's your Motivation?

As a businessperson, my goal is to make a profit, and I'd like those profits to increase over time, so my business will grow. My Christian values are all about relationships. I am called to love people, all kinds of people. I even strive to love those who don't love me ... sometimes I do okay with that, but other times ... not so much. Here's the question: Are my Christian beliefs at odds with my business goals? I constantly check my heart by asking the question, what's my motivation?

Currently I have two businesses, my vacation planning business and a network marketing business. As I started my vacation planning business ten years ago, I was encouraged to share what I do with everyone I meet. I quickly found that folks loved receiving my card, but quickly moved on to the next person, unless we engaged in a meaningful conversation before exchanging cards. So, I've learned to be a good listener, smiling, laughing, and sharing before swapping cards, and those friendly folks who are well on their way to becoming my friend are quick to call when they need my services. And, I do the same.

While I'm working to earn an income to pay my bills and enjoy life, both my businesses are really about my relationships with others. When I'm helping others achieve their goals and dreams, whether it's a fabulous luxury vacation or an extra revenue stream, my goals and dreams are met as well.

My goal is to grow financially successful businesses, and my motivation demonstrates my values. If I'm focused primarily on the dollars, I feel driven and obsessed, and I lose my peace. When I'm focused on my new friend's dreams, I'm having fun building the bridge to their dreams - in both businesses, and I wake up excited and joyful, ready to hit the ground running every morning.

I've found that as I follow Jesus in serving others, all my needs are met, and my dreams come true. For me, it requires daily checking my motivation to make sure my actions align with my heart. If you've lost your joy and/or your peace, check your motivation. Blessings!

"But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,
and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,
even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:26 - 28

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Judy Best is a successful entrepreneur and work at home business coach, living the dream in Little Rock, Arkansas, with her husband of 35+ years and her kids and grandkids. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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