Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Get Started, Then Keep Going to Achieve Your Dreams!

I entered college immediately after graduating from high school, but I left after just one year, because I knew within just a few months that I had no desire to be a nurse. Many of my great friends graduated and now are fabulous nurses, and I'm so glad someone like you will care for me in a hospital, rather than someone like me.

After that I attended college in spurts and starts, and finally received my Bachelor of Science in Management degree in what my husband and I joyfully call "my 20-year college plan". From that experience, my best advice to anyone currently attending college is ... never drop out. Take at least one class each semester, moving steadily albeit slowly toward your goal. It's not how fast you get there ... it's just being determined to get there.

The same is true about building a successful business, whether it's a franchise, a start-up, or a network marketing business. If it's your dream to be your own boss and create your own income, what are you waiting for? Author Karen Lamb said, "A year from now you will wish you would have started today."

NOT ENOUGH TIME: We all make sacrifices to create our future, whether it's a college education or building a business, and time is one of those required sacrifices. So, what will you sacrifice that's currently filling your day to allow the time you need to create your future? There's no such thing as not enough time. The real question is ... how much do you value a better future?

NOT ENOUGH MONEY: Absolutely true, and that's why we're creating a better future. So, find a business you can start with what you have. Then the real question is ... are you willing to create your first success with a business that requires very little money?

All the objections come down to this one question - WHAT IF I CAN'T DO IT? Well, are you willing to be teachable? Will you listen and take proven action steps to achieve your dreams? Most people who fail either didn't have a successful mentor, or they failed to follow the proven success plan their mentors demonstrated. They may have thought, I can't do that, but I can try this ... or I know a better way to do it. That kind of thinking doesn't come from a teachable person, and it leads to failure rather than proven success. The only way to fail with a successful mentor is giving up or not following their proven success model. So, get started and then don't give up until you achieve your goal.

If you can envision the future you want, get started today. Connect with someone you trust and who you'll follow to achieve your dreams. I'm looking for people just like you to join my team, so find someone like me!

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 Judy Best is a successful entrepreneur and work at home business coach, living the dream in Little Rock, Arkansas, with her husband of 35+ years and her kids and grandkids. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Facebook.